How To Contact Us When The Office Is Closed


What to do if you have an orthodontic problem.

There are very few true orthodontic emergencies. Please click on a box below that outlines a problem needing immediate attention as opposed to something that can wait to be addressed:

A true “emergency” involves anything causing pain or discomfort!

If you or your child is in pain with anything that cannot be alleviated by the methods below and cannot wait until the next business day we want to see you!

Call our office and listen to the instructions on the voicemail to contact us directly.

Please note: if you have trauma to the face or teeth – Call your regular dentist.

The conditions mentioned below are important but can wait until the next BUSINESS day or possibly UNTIL your next scheduled appointment as long as there is no pain

  • Broken or loose brace
  • Lost tie
  • Loose band
  • Lost or broken retainer
  • Lost rubber bands
  • Changing an appointment

If you lose or break your retainer you must come into the office.;

If it is during office hours call the office for an appointment.

If it is after office hours, please wait until the next business day and call to make an appointment to be seen.  And please remember to bring in your retainer with you.



Checkbox  Call our office to schedule an appointment. Please do not walk in our office without an appointment. 

Checkbox  If you are in pain we will see you immediately!

  • Laguna Beach: (949) 494-8555
  • Newport Beach: (949) 640-0202

Checkbox Please refer to the above to see if you have a “true orthodontic emergency”

Checkbox  If you can wait until the next business day, call us then and we will gladly get you in

Checkbox  If you are in pain, call the office and listen to the instructions on paging the doctor

  • Laguna Beach: (949) 494-8555
  • Newport Beach: (949) 640-0202


If the brace can slide or is rotated, it has become loose.

A. If the loose brace is not causing discomfort:
CheckboxIt is best leave it in place and call us for an appointment when we reopen. Please be careful and stay away from the area when you are biting or chewing.

B. If the loose bracket has rotated on the wire:
CheckboxIf it’s not bothering you, you can leave it as-is. If it bothers you, use your fingers or a pair of tweezers to turn it back into its normal position. Once in place, you may apply wax to secure the loose brace.

C. If the bracket becomes extremely bothersome:
CheckboxYou can remove the bracket from the wire with a pair of tweezers or a small unbent paper clip, remove the colored “O” ring from the bracket. You can now remove the bracket from underneath the wire. It is not urgent to have it replaced. f everything else appears in place and you have an appointment soon, we will be able to place a new one at your upcoming appointment. If it will be more than a few weeks until your next appointment, call us and we will replace the tie.

If the wire is poking your cheeks or lips here are some solutions:

CheckboxA. Cover it with orthodontic wax for protection

CheckboxB. If the wax does not correct the problem, you can cut it with nail clippers that have been sterilized in alcohol

CheckboxC. Other solutions are to push the wire with a pencil eraser or the back of a metal spoon.

Here is another reference for temporarily fixing orthodontic problems:

Please call our office to inform us of any problem you have. We may have to lengthen your next appointment to have time to correct the problem.

There are several other brace relief products other than wax that you can purchase at the drug store or on line (, etc.). Below are a few that our patients have given good reviews to: