G28.2 Whitening Your Teeth
Many patients are worried about how thier teeth will look during and after braces treatment. Typically, orthodontists get questions about the white spots sometimes left by brackets. Even if you aren’t in braces, tooth whitening is something dental professionals get asked about frequently. Luckily there are a few options for whitening your teeth and keeping them shiny and color-free.
Post Contents:
- White Spots After Braces
- Professional TeethWhitening
- At-Home Teeth Whitening
White Spots After Braces
White spots that appear because of orthodontic treatment are called white spot lesions (WSLs), and they are avoidable. During treatment, orthodontists are frequently asked about the possibility of white spots where brackets were when a patient wore braces, but what really is the determinant of WSL presence after treatment is your brushing habits.
The best way to prevent WSLs is to keep your teeth clean and practice the best oral health routine you can. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and using fluoride can all help. You can even upgrade to an electric toothbrush to better reach spaces blocked by your braces.
Professional Teeth Whitening
Unfortunately for those of us who don’t have to worry about WSLs because of braces, stained teeth are still a problem. Many things can cause tooth discoloration. Certain foods and drinks like tomato sauces, red wine, coffee, and blueberries can stain and discolor teeth. And a poor brushing and flossing routine will also lead to less-than-pearly whites.
Dentists and orthodontists also offer professional cosmetic services to whiten teeth. The chemicals dental professionals use are stronger than a store-bought option but won’t hurt your gums and mouth. These treatments are temporary and last six to twelve months.
At-Home Teeth Whitening
If professional whitening isn’t in your budget right now there are ways to whiten teeth in your own home. Teeth whitening kits are available online, over the counter, and from your dentist. Dental studies report that bleaching or whitening products can improve the color of teeth that stain over time. Store bought whitening agents should be about 10% whitening agent. There are prescription options available as well which can contain up to 35% whitening agent.
Another solution to correct stained or discolored teeth is to make some small changes to your diet. Many of the factors that cause staining are a result of foods like coffee, soda, wine, and tomato sauces, so cutting down on those foods can combat discoloration. There are also foods that directl counteract staining that you can add into your diet. For example, adding strawberries, apples, celery, and carrots to your diet can help whiten your teeth naturally. These fruits and veggies have naturally occurring chemicals like malic acid in strawberries and saliva production agents in apples or celery that can help clean out your mouth and whiten teeth.